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Continuus Software Ranks Highest Overall of CM Solutions In Ovum Ltd. Report

Press Release: Company's Training and Consulting Services Sets the Standard for CM Vendors


Dina Hannum
(714) 453-2200

Pat Ingram
+44 171 255 2670

Bonnie Snow
Carol Shen
(415) 579-6400

IRVINE, CALIF., June 7, 1995 -- Continuus Software Corporation, a leading provider of configuration and change management solutions for the client/server marketplace, today announced that Continuus/CM version 4.0 ranked highest overall in the Ovum report on Configuration Management Tools. Additionally, the report states that Continuus' training and consulting services sets the standard for vendors in the configuration management market.

Ovum Ltd. is an industry analyst and consultant group based in London, England, which offers a comprehensive range of software product evaluation services. The report, used as an information source for decision makers looking to purchase new CM systems, ranks 13 leading configuration management vendors according to functionality in eight core areas. In the report, Ovum Evaluates: Configuration Management Tools which was released this May, Ovum states that while some CM tools are stronger in individual areas, no other tool offers the all-round capability of Continuus/CM.

"The scope of required CM functionality is expanding due to a more complex software environment, and Ovum's in-depth examination of CM products confirms that Continuus delivers the most complete solution," said John Wark, president and CEO of Continuus Software. "We are pleased that a highly regarded international analyst firm such as Ovum recognizes the full functionality provided by Continuus, and has ranked us highest overall out of 13 leading vendors."

"Without configuration management, developers who introduce new technologies, techniques or architectures are far less likely to gain the benefits," said Pat Ingram, director of the Computing Group at Ovum. "CM tools have become an enabling technology that can unlock the benefits of process improvement to improve software quality and reduce time to market."

About the Ovum Reports and Continuus

Ovum Evaluates: Configuration Management Tools, published since 1993, evaluates the 13 leading configuration management products based on 150 days of research and personal interviews and visits to users and vendors throughout the world. The report ranks each product in eight functional categories inc luding: build and release support, change control, configuration control, customizability, ease of set up, process management, usability, and version control.

Continuus was the only vendor to rank first or second in seven of the eight categories. With 10 being the highest possible score, Continuus scored 8 or above in all eight functional categories, outscoring competitors such as Atria, Intersolv, Legent, Softool, and SQL Software.

Expansion of the training and consultancy services offered by Continuus were also pointed out in the report as setting the standard for vendors in the CM market. This is particularly true for the European market, where the company has made a significant investment in the support structure for client training and consultancy.

The report is written for IT directors and managers, software development and quality managers, IT strategists and project managers. It provides objective information on the selection and implementation of CM tools and can be ordered through Ovum Limited, 1 Mortimer Street, London W1N 7RH, UK, or by calling +44 171 255 2670 Monday through Thursday during eastern standard time business hours.

About Continuus Software Corporation

Based in Irvine, California, Continuus Software is a leading provider of client/server change and configuration management systems for software development teams. The company develops and markets Continuus/CM and Continuus/PT, a comprehensive, process-oriented solution used to manage software development and ongoing maintenance. Additionally, the company offers extensive consulting, training and integration services.

With these products and services, Continuus sets a new industry standard in change and configuration management, process support, ease-of-use, flexibility, and scalability to help software developers increase team productivity, improve product quality, and speed time to market. Continuus is a privately-owned, venture-backed corporation. Products are sold direct as well as through resellers overseas to the computer, commercial, telecommunications, and government markets.

Customers include: Apple, BMW, Bell Atlantic, Chemical Bank, Lockheed, Motorola, Rockwell, ScotiaMcLeod, Texas Instruments, and Tandem Computers.

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File Date:        06/07/95